When you want to stop breastfeeding

I have written before about how I struggled to establish breastfeeding with both of my boys. There is a lot on the internet about how hard it can be to start breastfeeding, but something that gets less attention is just how hard it can be to stop breastfeeding! This is a time that can be difficult emotionally, physically and practically.

Emotionally – because it’s a little sad to move on from that lovely physical closeness with your baby.

Physically – because you have to stop feeding gradually to avoid engorged breasts and complications like mastitis.

Practically – because you worry whether your baby will be getting enough nutrients elsewhere / whether baby will take a bottle or cup / whether baby will go to sleep without the comfort of the breast.

I fed my sons until they were 18 and 16 months old, respectively. When I stopped with each of them, I was definitely ready to move on. At least in my head I was ready to move on. My heart and the rest of my body was not quite so convinced. There were several stages of stopping breastfeeding and at every point I worried and worried.

Going back to work

Obviously if you want to go to work, you have to find a way to be able to leave your baby for a full day without receiving any breastfeed directly from you. I know that lots of mums worry about how to do this and I was one of them. I was mostly okay with my first son because I already was combination feeding him, so he was happy to take a bottle full of formula in the day. I had more trouble with my second, who downright refused to take a bottle or any formula.

Many mums manage to express milk to be fed to their children in their absence via a bottle or cup. I was not one of them. When I went back to work with my youngest he was 9 months old. I halfheartedly suggested to his nursery that they could offer him a cup full of formula in the day. He never would drink it. Eventually, he just got older and didn’t need that milk in the day anyway.

He happily started drinking cow’s milk from a cup when he was 1. So everything just worked out. I worried a lot but it seems my baby just got on with things. I want to tell mums not to worry as much as I did – that your baby will find a way to get on with things without you physically there to feed, regardless of whether you’re expressing / they’ll take a bottle / cup / formula, etc. But you probably won’t listen to me and worry anyway. It’s okay to worry.

Night weaning

There eventually came a point in my feeding, when each boy was about 1 year old, that I thought they were just taking the mickey with night feeds. They were definitely eating and drinking enough in the day, and yet at around this age they started waking more than ever and demanding milk every couple of hours. So I decided to “night wean” them, meaning no more milk in the middle of the night.

My decision to do this was fraught with guilt and worry. First of all, I worried that they wouldn’t go back to sleep at all if I didn’t feed them back to sleep. I worried that I might be depriving them of something they needed. And I felt sad about moving on from those sleepy middle-of-the-night cuddles.

But at the same time I was exhausted from getting up multiple times in the night and feeding for at least half an hour each time. I was certain they were getting enough food and milk in the day. I was desperate to be able to sleep a whole night and let my husband settle them for me if they woke. Or even more exciting, to feed them to sleep at bedtime and then go out for the evening without needing to feed again until morning!

So I tried settling them with sips of water and pushing the length of time between night feeds by 30 minutes each night until they were going all night without a feed. It took ages before they adjusted to the change, but it did work eventually. Both my babies actually slept better when they weren’t having milk all night. I wonder if maybe it gave them upset tummies to feed all night.

Dropping the last feeds

So at some point I got to the stage when the only feeds my babies were having were 1 in the morning and 1 before bed. I did things quite differently with my two at this stage.

With my first, I decided to cut out the evening feed first, because I wanted to break the association with breastfeeding and going to sleep. It took a long time for him to learn to settle without the breast, but eventually we got there. I think carried on with the morning milk until one day he rolled away from me and giggled in the morning instead of latching on. So that was it. I was a little sad about moving on, but it seemed like the choice had been his, so I was at peace with that.

With my youngest I was less organised and less patient. I had such trouble night weaning him, that I just couldn’t face trying to cut out that last nighttime feed. So I just wandered off! I went on a work trip and left my husband to deal with the fallout. As it turns out, with my boobs in a different country, my baby went to sleep just fine with cuddles from daddy. Go figure. I brought my breast pump with me in case of engorgement, but it seems not much milk was in there anyway as I didn’t feel like I needed to pump at all.

Lessons learned

So the reason I thought I’d share my story is because I was emotional, worried, and sometimes even guilty throughout the process of stopping breastfeeding. And I remember googling “stopping breastfeeding” to try to find reassurance, but there wasn’t much out there.

So what I’d like to say is:

  • it’s okay to feed for as long as you like
  • but it’s also okay to stop whenever YOU want or need to
  • it’s okay to feel emotional
  • but you and and your baby will be fine.

If you really need some extra support, consider talking to your local NCT breastfeeding counsellor or visiting a breastfeeding support group. They will be able to offer you personalised support and advice, and many will be able to relate to what you’re going through.

Petite Pudding
Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

Author: The Mum Reviews

Writing about women's health and wellness (especially for mums) as I try to stay sane in my crazy life.

31 thoughts on “When you want to stop breastfeeding”

  1. Love love love this post! I’m going through the exact same thing at the moment. Little dude is feeding constantly at night and shows not sign of giving up. It’s great to hear from mums a few months on as you know this stage won’t last forever. Though I am a little sad to give up feeding. I came in from work today and little dude was so happy to have a feed when I came in. Eventually fell asleep and I got lots of cuddles. Will miss it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, yes it’s a difficult transition when you go back to work and it’s actually lovely if you’re happy to carry on as it’s a good way of reconnecting after being apart all day. But the all night boob fests def won’t last forever xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is quite apt as I have just finished (almost 2 weeks now) feeding my 14 month old son. I’m 17 weeks pregnant and not feeling up for tandem feeding so I wanted to have a few months in between stopping feeding and when the new baby arrives so hopefully it’s not too confusing for my older boy! I did it very gradually, cutting one feed at a time, and replaced some feeds with cows milk. I was worried about the bedtime feed most so left that one until last but he’s actually adjusted fine. I was definitely unsure of how to approach it though so I think it’s great you’ve written about it. #FamilyFun

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Everyone’s situation is different, but all mothers should have the right to continue as long as they want or stop when they want without feeling guilty about it.I’m still breastfeeding my 19-month-old (one feed before bed) and I know she doesn’t need it, but I don’t see a good reason to stop. It comforts her, she sleeps though the night after, and it’s no inconvenience to me. I suspect there’s not much milk left anyway. #FamilyFun

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely agree. It’s fantastic to carry on as long as you both want to. For me, I felt like people were either telling me to stop or keep going rather than respecting my choice. I tried to put it across in the post that it is ok to do what’s best for you.


  4. Every mother and baby has different needs, different problems, different wants, different schedules that all effect breastfeeding. Thus every mother has to do what works for her and her baby and not worry about anyone else! #EatSleepBlogRT

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oops I pretty much left my comment to this on FB for you!! I’m totally going through all the worry of this at the moment. At 19 months I don’t know whether to try stopping for my own sanity or just keep going for as long as he wants! Wish I knew the answer but nothing is black and white!! ‪Thank you for linking up to the #familyfunlinky‬


  6. Great post! When I stopped feeding my first baby I was so confused and could find hardly any advice online. When the time comes to stop feeding baby Number 2 I have more of an idea now but will save this post for reference!xx #kcacols

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hats off to you for having fed them both for so long! I don’t know how you did it. You are right though it is entirely your choice when you stop! Well done, it sounds like you did a fabulous job.
    Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I could have done with this when I was thinking about stopping breastfeeding my daughter. I remember thinking the same, that there wasn’t a huge amount of information out there about stopping. I was quite lucky really though, things seemed to just quite naturally wind down with it, but it was still a really emotional experience. x #KCACOLS

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is a great post! I’m breastfeeding currently but need to start combination feeding or stopping altogether with my return to work in just 8 weeks ☹️️ I’ve got guilt both about stopping and being ready to stop – this post helps thanks


  10. Lovely post and I’m totally with you, mums should be able to stop when they feel it’s right. I didn’t breastfeed so I can’t imagine what its like to have to wean your baby off but I imagine it’s quite an emotional time #kcacols

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is such a lovely positive post about feeding! I battled so much with my decision to bottlefeed because breastfeeding just didn’t happen for me. I never imagined it would be so hard. I thought you just popped them onto the breast and they was that. How wrong I was!

    Thank you for linking up to #KCACOLS and I hope to see you back again on Sunday x


    1. I struggled to feed as well and was lucky that I managed in the end but I think many new mums are surprised by how tough it is. It’s wonderful to promote and normalise breastfeeding but sometimes those efforts can make it more upsetting for those who struggle.


  12. This has some great information in it and lovely that you have shared your thoughts. I would just like to say that many moons ago when I breast fed my daughter she gave up herself. She was down to just a pm feed and one night she just didn’t want it. Over the years I have noticed it is often little girls that do this. When it happens you don’t have the guilt you just feel a little sad and a little rejected but life moves on and joy is found in other ways.


    1. Yes, my older son basically did make the final decision to quit for himself – but I had cut down loads before that so I suppose I’d encouraged it. Thanks for reading and commenting!


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